
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yoona cute pout^

 yoona unnie why you soo cute....
your pout is so....
if i'm guy maybe i will be kiss you~ hoho
but, i can't huhu....
yoona unnie your realy adorable....

 what do you think unnie?? tell me

Super Generation @ Summer Sale in SPAO Myeongdong

hoho aku suka banget deh sama foto ini
yoonhae~tapi ada kyu^^

Monday, July 30, 2012

Who Should Represent South Korea?

semalem udah nggak bisa poll.... eh pas liat ternyata yang menang.......

Girls Generation
wah ~
semalem aku kira Big Bang .... Sone sama VIP mantab banget lah tau nggak sih yang vote tuh sampe
hoho.... mereka royal baget dengan terus vote buat para idola mereka... beanya tipis banget loh.....

2NE1 =  2.05%  (178,060 votes)

Big Bang = 48.08%  (4,181,747 votes)

Girls Generation = 49.19%  (4,278,684 votes)

 Wonder Girls = 0.68%  (58,953 votes)

YoonA and Lee Min Ho raise Eider sales by 200%

YoonA dan Lee Min Ho telah meningkatkan penjualan Eider mencapai 200 % 

Girls' Generation YoonA dan aktor Lee Min Ho ho telah menghidupkan hidup nama mereka. Premium Perancis merek luar , Eider, yang menggunakan YoonA dan Lee Min Ho sebaai model utama mereka, melaporkan, "Terima kasih kepada mereka, penjualan tumbuh lebih dari 200 %".

 Terutama produk yang YoonA pakai dalam komersial dan iklan terjual sepenuhnya, menampilkan 'YoonA efek' bekerja bahkan pakaian outdoor. Selain itu, 93% saham produksi untuk jaket diiklankan di Februari semua dijual 40 hari. 

YoonA dan Lee Min Ho, telah bersama Eider sejak musim 2011 F/W, dan telah diperpanjang kontrak mereka dan saat ini sedang photoshoots untuk musim berikutnya. Mereka telah menunjukkan gaya muda dan canggih untuk pembeli dan mengungkapkan citra merek trendi di iklan TV dan iklan majalah.

 Eider lebih lanjut menjelaskan, "dua ini juga dikenal oleh orang-orang dalam rentang usia 40-50. Oleh karena itu, kami mampu secara efektif mengiklankan untuk berbagai kelompok usia yang berbeda."

translate by google^

Jessica cake @ 5th Anniversary SNSD

Hoho sica unnie cake jadi yang palin worst nih.... hehe
tapi lilinnya ada 2 hahay

Yoona , Tiffany and Lee Minho @ Incheon airport

wah Yoona unnie sama Lee minho bakal ke australia untuk CF Eider...
denger2 sih pesawatnya transit di indo... tapi???

nah kalo fany unnie ke thailand untuk cf apa itu yg sama siwon oppa~

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taeyeon cake @ SNSD 5th Annyversary

aku naksir cream ungu yg diatas......
warnanya lucu..... unnie suka purple ya.....^

Tiffany cake @ 5th SNSD Anniversary

ini dia winner kita pas contest cake decoration^^ pink pink pink~  
punya fany unnie lucu, manis terus meriah banget^

Sooyoung cake @ SNSD 5th Anniversary

unni atasnya rapih banget,,,, cuma yg 0805 nya berantakan.....hehe
atasnya lucu~ mau nyoba ^^

Seohyun cake @ 5th Anniversary SNSD

beneran deh punya seohyun unnie keren banget~
ada 9 ballerina yg berarti SNSD^
dekornya biru gitu juga lucu.....

Hyoyeon cake @ 5th Anniversary SNSD

omo unnie~ bener deh kayak darah heelnya merah gitu^
haha unnie kayaknya suka merah nih....

Yuri cake @ SNSD 5th Anniversary

punya yuri unnie juga keren~ ^
ada tulisan Y~

Yoona cake @ 5th Annyversary SNSD

unnie~ kuenya keren deh

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Yoona & Jang Geun Suk @ Love Rain Wallpaper On Japanese Website

Girls’ Generation’s 5th anniversary and Tiffany’s birthday @ Newspaper

SNSD 5th Anniversary Party

ini perform stage nya.....^

aku mau balonnya..... huuhu

SNSD 5th Anniversary message~

Yoona: It’s been such a long time!! Couldn’t we… See each other more often..?ㅋㅋ Everything from today… Let’s keep it to ourselves~

Yuri: Waaaa~oh! Anniversary! OhOhOh555Oh~! Ohl~ Fifth anniversary oh oh oh!! (‘oh’ is one way to say 5 in Korean)

Taeyeon: Thank you for always giving us strength whenever we meet^^ Look forward to the next fanmeet, too. We’ve gotten closer, right? hehehe

Sooyoung: I give infinite thanks and love to you who has been with us for the past 5 years. Until 5 years becomes 50. And until 500 years, will you love us?! Yes!!

Tiffany: It’s 5 years now.. there were lots of.. tears.. and we’ve gone through so many happy things.. I’m really happy and thankful.. from now on.. “I want to dream with you (with SONE) forever” I love you. Really.

Hyoyeon: I’ve waited for today~!! Should we [something] today~~?! Hehe Let’s go and make good memories! Always! Thank you ^.^!!

Jessica: SONE, hi~ ^ㅡ^ Fun, and enjoyably. Bbyong~

Seohyun: Tell me your wish~ I’ll listen~ Tell me your~ wish There is a never ending line of people outside who wish~ (intending as ‘SONE’) for me~ A date with SONE that I’ve waited and waited for!! Today!! Let’s enjoy [it]

Sunny: Already 5 years?! Kkyak!! From now on, 5 years, [and] 500 years..